General Communication

Command Abbreviation Description

say ' ` " say a message to people in the same room as you.
emote : ; emote an action to people in the same room.
pemote ;; :: possessive emote to the room (adds 's to your name)

think ~ does a . o O ( think ) to everyone in the room.

echo + does an "echo" to everyone in the room.

sing ) does an o/~ sing o/~ to everyone in the room.

tell . > tell something to a particular person(s).

remote , < an emote , but to a particular person(s).

premote <: <; a pemote, but to a particular person(s).

whisper = whisper to a person(s) in the same room as you.

recho - like echo, but to a particular person(s).

rsing ( a private sing to someone.

rt * a think to specific person(s).

yell & yell at some person(s).

reply ] handle "multi-tell" situations with this command.

ereply [ like reply, but you emote instead

preply [; possessive ereply

treply [~ rthink reply

sreply [) rsing reply

yreply [& yelled reply

oreply [+ echoed reply

shout ! say something to everyone on the program.

yemote !: !; an emote to everyone on the program.

pyemote !:: !;; a pemote to the entire program.

ythink !* !~ a think to everyone on the program.

yecho !+ !- echo to the entire program.

ysing !) !( sing to everyone on the program
Moving Around

go - move to an adjacent room.
trans - move to any room (if you know its i.d.).
home - go home.
visit - visit a person in their home.
leave / main - leave to the main room.
exits - find out where you can 'go'
check room - find out the name/id of the room you are in
grab - grab someone into the same room as yourself.
join - join someone in the room they are in

These commands are to spice up your examine
(x) file and finger (f) file.
Some of them are for both files, some are for only one.
They have been separated for your convenience.


For BOTH files:

age: To set your age,
type: age You must set the age to a numerical value. It will not recognize anything else.
Typing 'age 0' turns this function off.

birthday (bday): To set your birthday, type: bday If you want your birthday to be set to Feb 29, you _must_ include the year in the date.
For example: bday 2/29/96.
The only time you do not have to include the year, is when it is an actual leap year.
Typing 'bday 0' turns this function off.

description (desc): To set up a description of yourself,
type: desc hometown: To set the location of where you are, type: hometown

madefrom (formerly automatically set based on gender): To set what you are made from, type: madefrom
You may now set this to whatever you wish it to be.
If you type madefrom without anything after it, it will default to the old message.

title: To set your own title type: title
You do not need to put your name at the beginning of your title.
The program will do it for you automatically. If you prefer to have just your name, and no title after it, type title with no message after it. (i.e. just type: title)

toggle: To set your email and/or site public for friends or everyone to see, type: toggle
If you do not toggle your email or site, it is assumed that you wish for them to remain private.

url (WWW homepage location): To set the location of your homepage, type: url This is NOT to set up a homepage.
It is only for those who currently have one.


For the Examine (x) File _only_:

To set up a favorite, type: favorite * The number must be 1, 2, or 3, as you are only allowed 3 favorites.

* The item may be no longer than 12 characters long.

* For example: to show that your favorite movie is Star Wars type: favorite 1 movie Star Wars

* To delete a favorite, type: favorite

Make sure that you have the correct of the one you wish to remove. Also, you do not put in an or when you are deleting a favorite.

irl_name: To set the name you go by in real life, type: irl_name

sexpref: To set your sexual preference (orientation) simply type: Sexpref Example: sexpref Sheep Fucker


For the Finger (f) File _only_

: -------------------------------

plan: To set your plan, type: plan If you wish to remove the plan section from your f-file, type plan with no comments after it. (i.e. just type: plan)

*Note: The examine (x) file is for people to get more info on you when you are currently logged in. The finger (f) file is to get more info when you are not currently logged in.


Miscellaneous Personalization Commands

(these don't affect the x or f files):


prefix: To set a prefix, type: prefix This has a limit of 16 characters, and will not accept any blank spaces within it.
The prefix is also shown to anyone who has the prefix command on whenever you say something, public or private.
To see how to turn seeing prefixes on/off, type help noprefix.

recap: To re-capitalize your name in some new fashion, type: recap

pic: To set your picture url (not your homepage!) type: pic The picture urls can be found on the Children of The Night's homepages under the residents section (click on the Residents link) then click on the top link (Children Of The Night residents) the top url listed by the resident's name is their homepage url the second is their picture url

The second way ta access picture url info is to type: list_picturl (that lists the picture urls of everyone online atm)

see also: help pic

Using Mail

check mail - see what's in your mailbox

mail - do a mail command, or enter mail mode Via the mail command, or whilst in mail mode:

read - read a piece of mail to you view - view the mail you have received

(a)post - post mail to a person or persons (prepend 'a' to post anonymously)

(a)reply - reply to a piece of mail

* delete - delete mail you have received inform -

toggle whether you get informed of new mail for you sent - show what mail you have sent.

* remove - remove mail that you have sent noanon - toggle whether you will be able to receive anonymous mail end - exit sub command mode

* - delete and remove can now take as arguments a list or a number. 1,2,3 and/or 4-5. Checking things check mail - view your mailbox check news

- view the news check snews

- view the superuser news check

exits - view the exits in the room check

autos - see the auto

-messages in a room

check room - list info about a room

check rooms- list your rooms

check email - see what your email address is set to

check wrap - check the line/word wrap stats

check entry - check the entry for your name, on someone else's list

Stuff for Rooms

lock - lock the room you are in.

room - do a room command, or enter room mode Via the room command, or whilst in room mode:

edit - edit the description for the room.

sethome - make this room your home

lock - lock a room

lockable - make your room lockable by others apart from you

open - make it so anybody can enter a room

entermsg - set the message that other people will see when someone leaves a room to enter this room

exitmsg_con - Determine whether or not exitmsgs may be used instead of room entermsgs.

[+-]exit - add or remove an exit to another room (+ to add, - to remove)

notify - you get told when someone enters a room of yours

link - link your rooms to another

linkable - make it so other people can link to a room of yours

entrance - opens a room so people can arrive there when they login

Related Links:

More about rooms The Editor
When you write a news posting, a mail message, or a room description, you will be placed into edit mode.
Whilst in this mode, everything you type will be entered into the editor

(using your current paragraph style - see help .para), with these exceptions:

.- use an editor command

/ - use a normal command

When viewing what you have written (.view, .l), moving around the editor (.bot, .top, .-, .+, .g), or replacing (.replace) and inserting text, you will be shown the current line, along with its line number to the left.

The star inbetween number and text shows that this is the current line - which is useful when viewing the entire text, or if you have padding (.pad) turned on.

Please also see the help pages for specific commands, and also these help pages:

Ranges Editor Commands

Output We now offer color!

To use this, you should be on a terminal that supports ANSI color codes.
More help on getting color to work may be made available later. But for now, try it by typing FINGERPAINT.
If you see colors, then you will be able to use and view colors.

Even if some colors don't seem to work, others may, and you may want to activate it, even if its only for a few shades.

Color related commands:

COLOR - activate standard color mode -- you will see the colors others create in their rooms, in help files, in descriptions, practically everywhere.

SYSCOLOR - This enables Active Color Mode -- where you can set the colors of certain types of input by using the

COLORIZE command. So your tells can be white while your shouts are dark blue and your friend tells scream in blinking text.

COLORIZE - Without an argument, it will show you your current system colors. With arguments, it will change your color settings for one type of command.

Good luck, and any questions should be relayed to

We now supports aliases. An alias is a substitute for a longer set of commands..

for example... define idin idle indiefan (you can also use "alias")

This creates a "pseudo-command" called idin.

If i type idin, I will see how long indiefan has been idle. PG ->idin indieFan has just hit return. PG ->

You can also list your aliases.

PG ->lsa

You are using 1 of your maximum 10 aliases

idin = idle indiefan


PG -> Also, it is easy to remove an alias you no longer need.

PG ->undefine idin Alias deleted...

PG ->lsa You are not using any of your 10 aliases.

PG -> To learn more about what you can do with aliases click here

Using News check news - see what news there is news - do a news command, or enter news mode Via the news command, or while in news mode:
(If the [group] argument is left out, it will default to the primary news board)

read [group] <> - read a news article <>

view [group] [] - view page of news articles listing check [group] [] - same as 'view' (a)post [group] - post an article entitled (a)followup [group] - post an article referring to a previous article

remove [group] <> - remove your news posting, <> groups - view all available news groups.

commands - see possible news commands

inform - toggle seeing when new news is posted

login - toggle seeing unread articles on login

checkown [group/all] - list the articles you have posted help / man / ? - view this text

end - exit sub command mode

Related links:



News Groups




blockwakes - ignore any wakes sent your way.

blocktells - ignore any tells to you.

blockfriends - block the "spam" caused by friend-tells to you.

earmuffs - ignore any shouts.

quiet - go quiet, ignore shouts and tells

linewrap - turn off, or set the width of your terminal wordwrap - turn off, or set the largest word that will trigger wrapping

show - show what sort of command, some text has originated from.

hitells - high-lights any personal messages for you.

quit - leave the program

Your List

list - view your list

clist - clear entries in your list

slist - set particular flags in particular entries

rlist - reset particular flags in particular entries

tlist - toggle particular flags in particular entries noisy,ignore,inform, | friend,grabme, |toggle, set or reset flags according to which beep,block,bar, |command is used on a particular person or friendblock, |persons in your list mailblock,shareroom, | nofriend, prefer. |

The Pager

b or p - Back 1 page. f or n - Forward 1 page.

t - Go to the top of what is being paged.

q - Quit.

If the talker is running Nightwolf's advanced pager then you can continue to enter commands whilst in the pager (although you will not be able to view paged text).

If you aren't then typing anything else will result in the page being redrawn.

To set your picture url (not your homepage!) type: pic The picture urls can be found on the Children of The Night's homepages under the residents section (click on the Residents link) then click on the top link (Children Of The Night residents) the top url listed by the resident's name is their homepage url the second is their picture url

The second way ta access picture url info is to type: list_picturl (that lists the picture urls of everyone online atm)

Go back to X & F Files Help More Room Stuff Via the room command, or whilst in room mode:

id - set the id of the room

name - set the name of the room

info - give some info about the room

check - info about all your rooms

soundproof - toggle whether shouts can get in/out of room.

isolate - toggle whether tells can get in/out of room. chamber - toggle whether sings can get in/out of room. [+-]auto - add or remove an auto-message (+ to add a message, - to remove one)

speed - change the speed of the auto-messages autos[on/off] - auto-messages, or turn them on or off delete - delete a room

create - create a room

end - end sub command mode

Some commands in the EWe system can be used on more than 1 line at a time, using ranges.

Ranges take 3 forms:

1) A single value

(2 for example) 2) A single range

(3-6 for example, meaning lines 3,4,5 and 6) 3)

A multiple range (3-6,9,13-14 for example, being lines 3,4,5,6,9,13,14)

Multiple ranges take commas between ranges/values, and dashes between the two numbers of a range.

If you specify a line more than once, the extra mentions will be ignored (3-6,5 still means 3,4,5,6).

Please note than ranges must always go from first to last, 6-2 for example is invalid!

Please see the specific help pages on each command for a full description.

Old familiars from the normal talker editor:

.del - delete some lines

.-- go back a line

.+ - go forward a line

.view - see what you've written

.l - view the current line

.g - goto a line

.top - goto the top

.bot - goto the bottom

.wipe - completely clear the buffer

.stats - show some stats about the buffer

.quiet - toggle whether you go into 'quiet' mode when editing

.end - quit the editor and KEEP the changes

.quit - quit the editor and THROW AWAY any changes

New EWe commands:

.move - move some lines

.replace - replace some lines

.trunc - control the auto-truncation feature

.pretty - toggle whether you get newline seperated output

.insert - toggle whether you insert before or after current line

.para - toggle the paragraph mode

.format - toggle when special formatting appears .s - search for some text

.n - repeat last search (next match)

Editor Commands Output When you are shown text while in the editor, you will see the line numbers alongside all viewed lines.

These are useful for moving around the buffer, and for performing operaions such as moving blocks of text. When you move in the editor, you will be shown the current line.

If you have padding turned on (lets say .. 2 lines), you will also be shown 2 lines above and below the current line, with a star by the line you're actually at.

If you activate pretty text, this means a newline will be printed before any editor lines, to aid visibility.

You can have this nicer formatting turned off (by setting pad and pretty off), or use the .format command to give even line entry a padded/tidied appearance.

When you enter a long line, and are seeing formatted output all the time, the current line will have a * by it as normal, but the other lines that were added in the operation will have - signs between the number and text.